We spent this past weekend at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, Ontario.
We watched the Canadian Show Jumping Championships which featured some amazing horses and riders. Below is a photo Jenny took of Canadian Olympic rider Ian Millar and his horse Dryden - if you click on it you can make it bigger. She took about 1,000 pictures - she was so excited to be there.
We also went to see the Christmas windows at the Hudson Bay Co. on the corner of Young and Queen.
So magical!
A weekend in Toronto is never enough time, but we had lots of fun and with all the early Christmas festivities going on it sure has put me in the mood to start quilting up some Christmas projects!

Just discovered your site this morning. Love your patterns and I think the photo of Ian Miller and Dryden jumping is a fantastic shot! Your photo of the Christmas window reminded me of the Olgivy's store window in Montreal (my home town)which is beautifully decorated for the Christmas season each and every year. You have some lovely patterns and I recognized Vintage Rose as one which I purchased some years ago when visiting a quilt shop in Fort McMurray, AB (which is where I'm currently living). I'm glad to have "discovered" your site.